About Me

Hi! I don't know what to say so I'm going to just write some stuff!

I was a programmer once.

Well. I'm still a programmer. But I was a programmer, too.

I did one of the very first ports of the game Kobo to the mac, back before macs were considered computers.

I also helped build a mapping engine that was once called 'the standard for location-based services'. This was also before macs were considered computers.

Ask.com once built a version of their search engine for kids! It was called AskKids but disappointingly was not a site where you could go to ask things of kids. Yep, that was me too. Macs still weren't computers.

After that I built a a web conferencing system. I don't think I have any way to make that sound fun.

Then, somehow, despite being a total misanthrope, I started teaching technology to people and that was totally fun! Programmer bootcamps? A lot of that was my fault. Sorry about that.

In the middle of that, I helped create Oakland's first hackerspace. The term 'hackerspace' is kind of misleading. Mostly people there just make dangerous robots.

I don't do that anymore, but I still like talking about computers and I like answering questions. I thought I'd just... write them down this time.

Not that it matters, but an important human scientist once said this about me:

"if you want to understand something, ask christian because he probably knows. and if he doesn't, he'll figure it out and still explain it better than most anyone else"

I think she might have been drunk at the time.

file_put_contents(/home/askme/web/anchor/errors.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied
The error has been logged in /anchor/errors.log
Uncaught Exception

Uncaught Exception

file_put_contents(/home/askme/web/anchor/errors.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied


anchor/config/error.php on line 15


#0 [internal function]: System\Error::native()
#1 /home/askme/web/anchor/config/error.php(15): file_put_contents()
#2 [internal function]: System\Config::{closure}()
#3 /home/askme/web/system/error.php(111): call_user_func()
#4 /home/askme/web/system/error.php(26): System\Error::log()
#5 /home/askme/web/system/error.php(98): System\Error::exception()
#6 [internal function]: System\Error::shutdown()
#7 {main}